You have such an idea …

You want to build or take over a winery?

You want to plant a vineyard and – after a little patience – enjoy your own wine?

You want to convert your farm to organic or biodynamic cultivation?

Where should it be: on Mallorca? Or somewhere else in Europe?
I would be happy to support you in your project with advice & action:
Planning. Planting. Care.
Highly professional – and all from one (my!) hand.

The future belongs to those who believe in the truthfulness
of their dreams.

Eleanor Roosevelt

My viticultural services include:

. precise conception of your project
including budgeting and time schedule
. search for land – ideal for your project
. short term site visits if you are not present
. expertly assessment of soil, vines and equipment
. irrigation design and installation
. preparation of plant protection and spraying plans
. assistance with planting and vine care

Sometimes mighty boulders have to be cleared out of the way until …
… the new field can finally be planted!

To ensure that the measures recommended by me
are (or can be) implemented consistently,
I will of course also train and advise
your employees if required.

This can concern all work in the field like e.g.
. young field education
. adapted gentle pruning
. removal of double shoots
. thinning of grapes
. defoliation

I also give comprehensive instructions on
. operation of the technical equipment
. hygienics, especially in the cellar – an underestimated,
but immensely important topic!

Hotline to your project:

+34 601 50 76 81

I am very practical and always take the bull by the horns!

During the cultivation of a vineyard I direct myself
according to natural processes at a reasonable time.
Equally, observations and experiences
as well as the fall back on proven traditions.

There are no universal patent recipes in nature,
neither in plant protection nor in soil cultivation.

The measures required in one year
may be completely different the next.

… there is room for many in the vineyard!

A deep understanding of the cycles of nature,
this immeasurably interwoven wheel, is essential for me.

The respective terroir with all the conditions of the soil
and climatic influences must be grasped,
as well as the location of the vines.

It is also about the wild herbs, fungi and bacteria
in their useful or also harmful manifestations.
I intervene as little as possible and only as much as necessary
in the natural processes.
In this way I can support the complex “ecosystem vineyard”
to help itself in the best possible way.

Nature is perfect.
We do not have to improve it –
only understand it better!

Julia-Nora Lorenzen